Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day 49: Seven Weeks On....

Left Jaw Pain 0/10       (8/10 during failed attempts to chew)
Right Jaw Pain: 0/10    
Hip Pain: 1/10
Inconvenience factor: 3/10
Hipbone bits in my cheek 1/10 

With the Christmas Silly Season I must apologise for missing a blog week! Far too much was going on and I became horribly distracted!

I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas with family and friends and savoured EVERY mouthful of food that you CHEWED! Sadly, I was not so fortunate. I am still failing to successfully accomplish that fundamental and most basic of skills.....chewing. Aaargh!!!

So my Christmas feasts were limited to things I could essentially mash! I shouldn't really complain - Roast veggies with gravy are pretty yummy and I can stuff many desserts and things of chocolately goodness into my mouth!!!
 I guess you might be wondering what the problem with chewing is??? It's a combination of things really.....
  • I can't open my mouth very widely so only small things can go in
  • I still have lots of numbness in my mouth and can't tell where the food is
  • My teeth especially the molars don't meet properly yet (we're working on it)
  • My still internally swollen cheek still gets in the way and unwittingly chomped on
  • The muscles in my jaw joints are not very strong and achieving pressure is difficult
  • The jaw muscles are also not very happy when stretched or moved 'wrongly' and give incredibly painful feedback
Patience, Patience, Patience!!!

I did receive a great Christmas present though.....FINALLY my X-RAYS! Woo Hoo! My face is full of metal - plates, screws, pins - check it out!  

The right side of this image above is the left side of my face - the perfectly behaved side. The other side (on the left) is the right side I have whinged so much about - the one that suffered the 'unfavourable split'
C - shows you where the first cut was made. 
A -  shows where the jaw ended up splitting very unfavourably
B - shows where the surgeon had to cut/break my jaw to complete the surgery. 
Just below A you can see three pins that were used to hold the broken jaw all together.
D - shows the pin used to attach the hip bone to my cheek. 

Front view....Arrow shows the mess that my right jaw turned into as the initial break site.

  Side Profile

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Day 35: Five Weeks On...

Left Jaw Pain 0/10       (6/10 when performing jaw exercises and yawning)
Right Jaw Pain: 1/10    (6/10 ditto)
Hip Pain: 1/10
Inconvenience factor: 3/10
Hipbone bits in my cheek 1/10 

Crikey 5 weeks on already! 

I'm still shrinking and by the look of the photos below I believe that my left side is pretty much back to normal! Still some fatness on the right to shed but it's definitely getting close now!!!

This week I have really really struggled with my pureed diet! I am OVER it! 5 weeks is ENOUGH!!! I want texture! I crave texture! My risotto success last week inspired me to try some pasta - surely that would be soft enough. After attempting to masticate a single piece of pasta for over a minute and failing dismally to turn it into smaller swallowable pieces I gave up and threw the power stick at it. Let me tell you pureed tuna pasta bake is ORDINARY at best. Back to the drawing board!

With Christmas less than 2 weeks away I am really starting to get concerned about my inability to chew. Do you know how much good food is around right now? How could you not?! I have lost 6kg post surgery. I can not imagine a better position to be in at Christmas time - hungry and with plenty of free reign to gain some weight. It is a seriously cruel twist of fate that I still can not chew. Please, please return this simple skill to me asap! I can't stop thinking about all the amazing food and delicious treats that I know to be on the menu for the next 2 weeks! Aaaah! Please don't be this mean!! The pain begins tomorrow night - it's our work Christmas dinner at a phenomenal Greek Restaurant! At this stage I will be squashing zucchini croquettes and mashing moussaka into pulp! 

I have to say though that CHEESECAKE has been my one saving grace! I can eat it! All of it, including the bottom layer as it is! No processing needed! One teaspoon full at a time!!! And I LOVE cheesecake! Heavenly!!! :)

I've had a few exciting moments this week when bits of my bottom lip and chin have tingled with pins and needles! Hopefully, this means feeling will return soon! That would also be a very nice and greatly appreciated Christmas present!

My jaw joints have been aching a lot and even sort of popping this week. I'm assuming that it's a combination of more talking (thanks to working again) and my opening/closing exercises. I'll take it as a good sign that the muscles are strengthening and repairing. Hurry up!!! :)

Vital Statistics Update:
  • Still numb bottom lip down to my chin tip
  • Still can not open my mouth more than two centimetres
  • Still can not chew - boo!
  • No more open wounds in my mouth, very few ulcers left!!! Yay!
  • I have lost 6kg to date - I think my apathy towards pureed food has resulted in less calories going in my mouth this week!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 28: Four Weeks On....

Left Jaw Pain 0/10 
Right Jaw Pain: 1/10    (6/10 when performing jaw exercises)
Hip Pain: 2/10
Inconvenience factor: 3/10
Hipbone bits in my cheek 2/10 (they have really been hurting this week so rate a mention).


This week I thought I'd share with you one of the essential tools for double jaw surgery recovery. Hands down the one faithful friend that I used at least 4 times a day was the good old stab mixer! Yes, I played with the blender and dabbled with the juicer but in terms of power, convenience and minimal mess to clean up, the stab mixer can not be beaten. Smoothies, mash potato, pureed vegetables, soup and on more adventurous days pasta and take away food all passed through it's blade! 

I am so in love with my stab mixer that I have taken it with me on my interstate trip!! No head shaking else am I going eat away from home? I packed my beloved stab mixer very carefully into my suitcase last night and spent 3 hours this morning in various states of separation anxiety hoping that it would survive the trip! Thankfully, it did and I am pleased to report that it has already been put to good use making an awesome peach smoothie and later blending up a new batch of leek and potato soup! I really can't live with out it at the moment!!! :)

Big news for the week:

I returned to work on Monday for 3 days, thankfully only clocking up short days (~5 hours a day). It was great to see everyone and to start being remotely productive again. However, it was quite a challenge for my poor brain and very tiring physically. I was absolutely wiped when I got home - I think that my lower food intact has a lot to do with my lack of stamina. I also noticed that my jaw joints and new cheek bones were very achy and sore - I think this comes from all the extra laughing, smiling and talking!!!

Other Highlights for this week:
  • I saw the surgeon again on Tuesday. Patience is still the order of the day. No X-rays produced AGAIN! Hmmm...I might have to get annoying and apply more pressure. I am going crazy with curiosity to see what the jaw, plates, pins and screws look like!
  • I have been assigned exercises for my jaw - basically this involves removing the elastics and opening and closing my mouth as wide as possible. This may not sound like much to you, but for me it is an epic challenge and very quickly causes great aching in the jaw joint.
  • I ate un-pureed roast pumpkin risotto tonight!!! I wouldn't necessarily say I actually chewed it (more squashed it on the roof of my mouth and swallowed the rice whole) and I still had to use a teaspoon BUT it was not pureed and that certainly FEELS like a massive victory and a definite step forward!! 

Vital Statistics Update:
  • Another new wiring diagram
  • Still numb bottom lip down to my chin tip
  • Still obvious swelling on the right side of my face both inside and out (quote noticeable in the photo above I think)
  • Still can not open my mouth more than a few centimetres
  • Still can not chew
  • Still spraying all my teeth and mouth out with salted water after consuming food
  • I have lost 5.5kg to date