Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 91: Thirteen Weeks - 3 Months On.

Left Jaw Pain 0/10     
Right Jaw Pain: 0/10    
Hip Pain: 0/10
Inconvenience factor: 1/10

It's been a fabulous week! Sure I still chew like a mongoose lemur devouring a treat, have a large numb spot, about 6 ulcers and spend half my day flinching and then  fishing broken elastics out of my mouth.......but the rest is well, pretty damn good!

My easing back into a non-sedentary life is going well and I'm already planning great things for our first post-surgery 4 hour Rogaine in March! I am finally getting some tooth to tooth contact on the left side and the sensation vs tingly balance on the left side of my face has finally tipped into the realms of a sensation dominant feeling! Hooray!!!

But honestly, maybe the shine off of me this week comes from my trip to the Orthodontist on Wednesday morning!

After instructing me to grin, open, close, followeed by some general poking, prodding and a bit of humming.....he delivered news I was NOT expecting!

"Well, my dear, it seems that my work here is nearly done! One last adjustment and then these things can come off!"

"Urggdegug Hwt Lagohg" - it is rather hard to talk with cheek separaters and a dental nurse hands in your mouth!

Clearly, he is used to deciphering such garble "12 weeks. 1st of May you can get them off"
Holy Crows! I nearly choked! YAY!! HOORAY! All I could do was give the thumbs up!!! He laughed and walked out!

12 weeks.
That's only 84 days! I was expecting another 6 months based on what they'd told me before surgery! Don't care - I'll take it!!!! So excited for a metal-free mouth and SOON!!!!

On that note - I think it is time to drop these updates back to monthly now! I can't see much more happening to my face that is going to be noteworthy  (unless I fall over and get a black eye or something, in which case I PROMISE to post photos so you can all laugh).  But, assuming all improvements from now on are going to be snail paced - I'll see you back here in a month's time!

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