Friday, October 12, 2012

A New Date - Start the Countdown Clock Again!

So here I am four days later with a new surgery date.....Thursday 8th of November.

It's been quite the mix of emotions processing that information but that is a story for another day!

1) It's infinitely better than the 20th December option I was first offered! I can't quite imagine Christmas through a straw!
2) It's soon. I know that I want this behind me now!

1) I will miss my close cousin's wedding on the 10th November - can't do that reading now can I?! I guess I can try to Skype in from hospital! That should be interesting!
2) My best friend who was going to sit in the waiting room with me on the morning of surgery will be interstate on holidays.   :(

Four more weeks of stress. Four more weeks to get ready! Let the Games begin! 

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