Monday, October 8, 2012



 Shortly after lunch....the phone rings....."Sonja, it's CranioFacial for you on line 2".

"Hi Sonja. I'm really sorry but unfortunately....." 

No conversation beginning like that is going to end well now is it? 

Three trauma cases need the theatre on Thursday so I've been bumped - and rightly so.....these guys need help now....I have 20 years.

However much I can rationalise the greater need....the emotional punch is hard to ignore.

Being slightly emotionally inept I find it difficult at the best of times to describe how I am feeling.  This feeling is impossibly difficult to articulate, but I will try....

Shell shocked, hollow, punched in the guts, sick, numb, and empty all mixed into one!

The question I was asking earlier today - Do I really want this to happen?!?!??!

Now that it's been taken away - I know the answer is a definitive YES!!!

So what now? 
We'll call you Wednesday with a new date.....

But it's only until then - I get to live in limboland!?!?
Don't plan anything..... 
You can imagine how that went down!


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