Monday, October 8, 2012

T-3: Focus damn it - FOCUS!!!

With only 3 days until I go under, concentrating at work is proving to be rather difficult! Maybe I should have taken these few days off? Tomorrow at the very  least? 

My mind keeps wandering......What soups to make? How much will fit into my freezer? What do I pack for hospital? Should I bring a book or is that just stupid? Should I be writing a Will? What should I have as my last swan song meal?

I started writing a mental list of questions for the surgeon....Will my eyes be puffed shut? How long until it's safe for young children to visit me and not be traumatised by my fat swollen face? How big is the scar on my hip going to be? How long until I can drive? How long until I can fly in a plane? Do I have to sleep sitting up? Will my jaws be wired shut with wire or elastics?

How is it possible I haven't thought of these things sooner?  - I have interrogated him so extensively already - the ins and outs of the procedure but clearly not the recovery implications. I wonder if he'll write me a schedule?

Do I really want to go through with this? Is it too late to change my mind?

This is NOT helping my nerves.... Best go and savour chewing my lunch!

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